364 research outputs found

    Polymer Parametrised Field Theory

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    Free scalar field theory on 2 dimensional flat spacetime, cast in diffeomorphism invariant guise by treating the inertial coordinates of the spacetime as dynamical variables, is quantized using LQG type `polymer' representations for the matter field and the inertial variables. The quantum constraints are solved via group averaging techniques and, analogous to the case of spatial geometry in LQG, the smooth (flat) spacetime geometry is replaced by a discrete quantum structure. An overcomplete set of Dirac observables, consisting of (a) (exponentials of) the standard free scalar field creation- annihilation modes and (b) canonical transformations corresponding to conformal isometries, are represented as operators on the physical Hilbert space. None of these constructions suffer from any of the `triangulation' dependent choices which arise in treatments of LQG. In contrast to the standard Fock quantization, the non- Fock nature of the representation ensures that the algebra of conformal isometries as well as that of spacetime diffeomorphisms are represented in an anomaly free manner. Semiclassical states can be analysed at the gauge invariant level. It is shown that `physical weaves' necessarily underly such states and that such states display semiclassicality with respect to, at most, a countable subset of the (uncountably large) set of observables of type (a). The model thus offers a fertile testing ground for proposed definitions of quantum dynamics as well as semiclassical states in LQG.Comment: 44 pages, no figure

    Towards new background independent representations for Loop Quantum Gravity

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    Recently, uniqueness theorems were constructed for the representation used in Loop Quantum Gravity. We explore the existence of alternate representations by weakening the assumptions of the so called LOST uniqueness theorem. The weakened assumptions seem physically reasonable and retain the key requirement of explicit background independence. For simplicity, we restrict attention to the case of gauge group U(1).Comment: 22 pages, minor change

    Feasibility of intraventricular administration of etoposide in patients with metastatic brain tumours

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    As the systemic administration of etoposide is effective in the treatment of relapsed and metastatic brain tumours, a pilot trial was designed to study the feasibility of intraventricular administration of etoposide in such patients. 14 patients aged 2.1 to 33.2 years were treated with intraventricular etoposide simultaneously with either oral or intravenous chemotherapy with trofosfamide or carboplatin and etoposide. In 59 courses (1–12/patient) 0.5 mg etoposide was administered daily via an indwelling subcutaneous reservoir for 5 consecutive days every 2–5 weeks over a period of 0–11 months. During 15 courses in 5 patients serial CSF samples were obtained and etoposide levels were determined by reversed-phase HPLC. Side effects included transient headache and bacterial meningitis, each during 2 courses. Pharmacokinetic data analysis in the CSF (11 courses, 4 patients) revealed a terminal half-life of 7.4±1.2 hours and an AUC of 25.0 ± 9.5 μg h ml–1(mean ± standard deviation). The volume of distribution at steady state and total clearance exhibited a large interindividual variability with mean values of 0.16 l and 0.46 ml min–1respectively. Intraventricularly administered etoposide is well tolerated. CSF peak levels exceed more than 100-fold those achieved with intravenous infusions. Further studies should be focused on optimizing the dose and schedule and on determining the effectiveness of intraventricularly administered etoposide. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Stratification of the orbit space in gauge theories. The role of nongeneric strata

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    Gauge theory is a theory with constraints and, for that reason, the space of physical states is not a manifold but a stratified space (orbifold) with singularities. The classification of strata for smooth (and generalized) connections is reviewed as well as the formulation of the physical space as the zero set of a momentum map. Several important features of nongeneric strata are discussed and new results are presented suggesting an important role for these strata as concentrators of the measure in ground state functionals and as a source of multiple structures in low-lying excitations.Comment: 22 pages Latex, 1 figur

    Developing the future of gamma-ray astrophysics with monolithic silicon pixels

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    This paper explores the potential of AstroPix, a project to develop Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) pixels for the next generation of space-based high-energy astrophysics experiments. Multimessenger astrophysics is a rapidly developing field whose upcoming missions need support from new detector technology such as AstroPix. ATLASPix, a monolithic silicon detector optimized for the ATLAS particle detector at CERN, is the beginning of the larger AstroPix project. Energy resolution is a driving parameter in the reconstruction of gamma-ray events, and therefore the characterization of ATLASPix energy resolution is the focus of this paper. The intrinsic energy resolution of the detector exceeded our baseline requirements of <10% at 60 keV. The digital output of ATLASPix results in energy resolutions insufficient to advance gamma-ray astronomy. However, the results from the intrinsic energy resolution indicate the digital capability of the detector can be redesigned, and the next generation of pixels for the larger AstroPix project have already been constructed. Iterations of AstroPix-type pixels are an exciting new technology candidate to support new space-based missions

    Quantum Gravity coupled to Matter via Noncommutative Geometry

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    We show that the principal part of the Dirac Hamiltonian in 3+1 dimensions emerges in a semi-classical approximation from a construction which encodes the kinematics of quantum gravity. The construction is a spectral triple over a configuration space of connections. It involves an algebra of holonomy loops represented as bounded operators on a separable Hilbert space and a Dirac type operator. Semi-classical states, which involve an averaging over points at which the product between loops is defined, are constructed and it is shown that the Dirac Hamiltonian emerges as the expectation value of the Dirac type operator on these states in a semi-classical approximation.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Searching for dark matter sub-structure with HAWC

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    Numerical simulations show that the dark matter halos surrounding galaxies are expected to contain many over-densities or sub-halos. The most massive of these sub-halos can be optically observed in the form of dwarf galaxies. However, most lower mass sub-halos are predicted to exist as dark dwarf galaxies: sub-halos like dwarf galaxies with no luminous counterpart. It may be possible to detect these unseen sub-halos from gamma-ray signals originating from dark matter annihilation. The High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC) is a very high energy (500 GeV to \u3e100 TeV) gamma ray detector with a wide field-of-view and near continuous duty cycle, making HAWC ideal for unbiased sky surveys. We perform a search for gamma ray signals from dark dwarfs in the Milky Way halo with HAWC. We perform a targeted search of HAWC gamma-ray sources which have no known association with lower-energy counterparts, based on an unbiased survey of the entire sky. With no sources found to strongly prefer dark matter models, we calculate the ability of HAWC to observe dark dwarfs. We also compute the HAWC sensitivity to potential future detections for a given model of dark matter substructure. Assuming thermal dark matter, we find the corresponding J-factor of a dark dwarf required to reach the HAWC detection criterion is 5.79× 1020 GeV2 cm−5 sr for one particular set of dark matter assumptions. HAWC is found to be able to competitively constrain dark matter annihilation from discovered halos with J-factors on the scale of 1019 GeV2 cm−5 sr or greater, with better constraints obtained on dark matter models with \u3e10 TeV masses and sources that transit overhead

    Background independent quantizations: the scalar field II

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    We are concerned with the issue of quantization of a scalar field in a diffeomorphism invariant manner. We apply the method used in Loop Quantum Gravity. It relies on the specific choice of scalar field variables referred to as the polymer variables. The quantization, in our formulation, amounts to introducing the `quantum' polymer *-star algebra and looking for positive linear functionals, called states. Assumed in our paper homeomorphism invariance allows to derive the complete class of the states. They are determined by the homeomorphism invariant states defined on the CW-complex *-algebra. The corresponding GNS representations of the polymer *-algebra and their self-adjoint extensions are derived, the equivalence classes are found and invariant subspaces characterized. In the preceding letter (the part I) we outlined those results. Here, we present the technical details.Comment: 51 pages, LaTeX, no figures, revised versio

    Background independent quantizations: the scalar field I

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    We are concerned with the issue of quantization of a scalar field in a diffeomorphism invariant manner. We apply the method used in Loop Quantum Gravity. It relies on the specific choice of scalar field variables referred to as the polymer variables. The quantization, in our formulation, amounts to introducing the `quantum' polymer *-star algebra and looking for positive linear functionals, called states. The assumed in our paper homeomorphism invariance allows to determine a complete class of the states. Except one, all of them are new. In this letter we outline the main steps and conclusions, and present the results: the GNS representations, characterization of those states which lead to essentially self adjoint momentum operators (unbounded), identification of the equivalence classes of the representations as well as of the irreducible ones. The algebra and topology of the problem, the derivation, all the technical details and more are contained in the paper-part II.Comment: 13 pages, minor corrections were made in the revised versio